
Compassion. Advice. Support. 

Office Hours 8:00am – 5:00pm Monday to Saturday  (AEST)
Vet Consulting Hours 8:00am – 8:00pm 7 days

Home Euthanasia and End of Life Care 

Payment Plans Available

Sunset Vets_Dr Monika

The Sunshine Coast is a haven for animal lovers with pets often seen under the tables at cafes, as well as enjoying the many beautiful walks from the hinterland to the beach. And with many owners now preferring their pets (dogs in particular) to accompany them no matter where they go, the pet-friendly atmosphere of the Sunshine Coast seems to be the perfect place to foster these kinds of relationships. 

This lifestyle is something that Dr Monika noticed almost immediately when she moved to the Sunshine Coast from her home country Austria ten years ago.

“It’s a lot more relaxed on the Sunshine Coast,” said Dr Monika.

“However, despite owners being more laidback and approachable, I’ve found that the love, the worries and the concerns people carry for their pets are the same no matter where you go.

“The combination of the type of owners I typically come across and the deep love they have for their animals is a big reason why I love being a palliative care vet on the Sunshine Coast.”

"People so often think a euthanasia appointment is full of tears and grief, and yes, sometimes it is. But it can also be a really beautiful thing. There can be smiles and laughter when remembering the good times. And the pet passes on in their home surrounded by their loved ones. It’s a beautiful and peaceful way to say goodbye.”

Before Dr Monika cemented herself as a palliative care vet on the Sunshine Coast, she completed her veterinary studies in Vienna, Austria where she worked in a small animal clinic for ten years.

“I moved to Australia with my husband a decade ago and have spent my entire time here living on the Sunshine Coast,” said Dr Monika.

“I was required to re-sit exams to practice veterinary medicine in Australia, and I began my Australian career working in a small animal clinic.

“Roughly six years ago I came across Sunset Vets and it instantly struck me as the perfect addition to my clinical work.”

Sunset Vets Palliative and End of Life Care (Sunset Vets) is a dedicated palliative care and home euthanasia service. Through a team of mobile vets located throughout Australia, Sunset Vets help families access specialised end-of-life care for their pets within the comfort of their home.  

“My time working in veterinary hospitals showed me that I was really suited to helping families through grief and providing end-of-life care,” Dr Monika explained.

“I’ve always felt very empathetic to those saying goodbye to their pets and I feel like I can connect to people during the tough times.

“The concept of end-of-life care for pets was something I hadn’t come across before. But the work format and the ideology clicked with me.”

"Palliative care is about making an animal as comfortable and pain-free as possible."

The nature of end-of-life care means that Sunset Vets Veterinarians work exclusively with senior or terminally ill pets, and this factor is often met with people assuming the work is very sad. But for Dr Monika, it’s about making life for pets and owners as good as possible.

“Palliative care is about making an animal as comfortable and pain-free as possible,” says Dr Monika.

“My role is to be there for as long as required and it’s comforting for owners to know they can reach out to our support team any time they have concerns.”

End-of-life decisions are challenging, and owners can find a euthanasia appointment daunting, sad, or downright scary. For Dr Monika, it’s extremely important for her clients to be comfortable with what is happening.

“When I arrive at a euthanasia appointment, I know the owners are likely feeling a mixture of emotions,” explains Dr Monika.

“It’s important for me to make sure the family is comfortable, and I always like to ask about their pets. I love hearing stories and it helps me understand my clients, my patients and the bond they share. 

“People so often think a euthanasia appointment is full of tears and grief, and yes, sometimes it is. But it can also be a really beautiful thing. There can be smiles and laughter when remembering the good times. And the pet passes on in their home surrounded by their loved ones. It’s a beautiful and peaceful way to say goodbye.”

"Having elderly or sick pets assessed by a palliative care vet and getting a good management plan can make a world of difference."

Palliative care appointments, however, run a little bit differently to home euthanasia, and this can mean a one-off appointment for a family needing a second opinion, or a long-standing relationship with a pet who can genuinely benefit from palliative care.

“Some palliative care appointments are a one-off before a euthanasia appointment, and it’s often required for families wanting help with end-of-life decision-making who need a professional opinion,” Dr Monika explains.

“Other palliative patients I get to have a long relationship with. I had one patient, a beautiful Burmese cat named Teddy who had kidney disease and arthritis. He was my patient for over 18 months before we eventually said goodbye.

“Palliative care needs to be more spoken about, and it’s something that every owner should be aware of.”

“For Teddy, I was able to really improve his quality of life, and address his owner’s worries and concerns.

“It’s much more difficult to say goodbye to the patients you’ve developed a loving, trusting relationship with, but knowing I was able to help the pet live their best life up until the end, always helps ease the heartache.”

Palliative care is still a relatively new field in the veterinary industry and one which is often misunderstood. Quite often, palliative care is assumed to delay the inevitable and potentially cause unnecessary suffering to pets, but this couldn’t be further from the truth. Palliative care focuses on delivering comfort care for senior or terminally ill pets rather than curative care. Educating owners on the important role palliative care plays in animal healthcare is something that Dr Monika feels particularly passionate about.

“Palliative care is really close to my heart,” said Dr Monika. 

“My hope is that more owners become aware of this service and implement it for their pets in need. Having elderly or sick pets assessed by a palliative care vet and getting a good management plan can make a world of difference.

“Palliative care needs to be more spoken about, and it’s something that every owner should be aware of.”

If you would like to get in contact with Sunset Please please CLICK HERE

Sunset Vets Palliative and End of Life Care

Sunset Vets is a dedicated in-home palliative care and euthanasia service for pets. Our veterinarians are available to support families with end-of-life care 7 days a week by prior appointment. Get in touch for more information about how we can help.