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Vet Consulting Hours 8:00am – 8:00pm 7 days

Home Euthanasia and End of Life Care 

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Several weeks ago, Monique a Sunset Vets client sent the team a photo of their beautiful Blue Heeler dog, Carlos. Dr Cherrie had visited Carlos and his family the day prior to facilitate a peaceful at-home euthanasia. And although the team love getting photos of patients, what stood out for Carlos was his beautiful, wide, infectious smile.

We spoke to Monique to learn a little bit more about Carlos and the bond they shared.

“We got Carlos in 2014 and having previously owned ‘working dogs’ we knew what we were getting ourselves into,” said Monique.

“Carlos was a very naughty puppy. He was really hard to toilet train, he’d pull cucumbers out of the vege garden, but he was also loving and protective. I loved his temperament and energy and he was definitely my boy. He would so often come and put his paw on me and cuddle.”

Throughout Carlos’ 10 years, he shared his humans with his fur siblings, Ruby and Mac who were both miniature dachshunds.

“Carlos was definitely the boss of Ruby and Mac,” Monique explained. We thought other animals would be good for him as he seemed lonely, and although he liked his own space, it was definitely nice for him to have company.

“But he kept them in line, and he would tell them off as much as he would shower them with kisses and love. Carlos was with Mac and Ruby on his last day. They really did love each other.”

Carlos with Ruby and Mac
Ruby and Mac

"Saying goodbye at home was crucial for us."

Although Carlos was only 10 years old, his decline was swift, sudden and shocking.

“Carlos was huffing and puffing a lot,” said Monique. “We thought something was wrong so we took him to our Primary Care Vet on Wednesday and I think the Vet knew straight away. We knew we were close to the end, and on Monday, less than a week later, we said goodbye to him.

“The decision was made based on Carlos and what he needed.

“It was really hard, and we didn’t want to let him go, but we knew it was best for him. Having Carlos’ goodbye take place in our home with a Vet that really cared, helped us make that awful decision a little easier.”

Carlos in Cart

And for Monique and her partner Glenn, saying goodbye at home was something that was very important to them. Having previously used Sunset Vets for another beloved dog, Chloe, they knew they wanted to replicate a peaceful goodbye at home.

“Saying goodbye at home was crucial for us. It made it peaceful,” said Monique.

“We had done this for Chloe, and being very big animal lovers, it was so important for us for Carlos to be comfortable and in his own environment.

“Saying goodbye at home also helped us a lot with our grieving process. Having your pet relaxed makes it so much easier on you. And you’re able to really be with them, and that’s comforting for you and them.

"He spent the whole day smiling and he was always like that. Always happy, and always smiling."

“Having other pets was also a really big component for an at-home goodbye for us. Animals can sense things and know what’s happening. I would have hated to take him away to a clinic and come back home alone. I think that would be really confusing for our other pets to experience.”

Although they didn’t have much time to prepare for Carlos’ goodbye, Monique and Glenn made sure they spent his last day doing all the things he loved.

“Carlos loved the car so we took him for a really big drive and a walk down to the beach,” Monique said.

“Unfortunately, he couldn’t walk far on his own at that stage, but he was content in his cart. We gave him some treats and he was really happy. He spent the whole day smiling and he was always like that. Always happy, and always smiling.


Thank you so much to Monique for sharing Carlos’ story.

If you would like to share your beautiful pets story we welcome you to get in touch HERE or by contacting info@sunsetvets.com.au

Sunset Vets Palliative and End of Life Care

Sunset Vets is a dedicated in-home palliative care and euthanasia service for pets. Our veterinarians are available to support families with end-of-life care 7 days a week by prior appointment. Get in touch for more information about how we can help.