'By the time you can tell that your pet is doing poorly, your pet may already be deeply uncomfortable and unhappy.'
Nobody wants to say goodbye to their pet. But if they had to choose how it was to happen, most owners would probably say they hope their pet goes peacefully, sleeping in their favourite sunny spot in the backyard. It’s sounds like a beautiful end, but it may come as a shock to learn that this version of death rarely occurs for our pets.
It’s quite likely that an animal approaching the end of its life is experiencing an array of symptoms which could include pain, anxiety, nausea or fatigue. And it’s completely normal for owners to struggle with making the final call when they notice their pet deteriorating. But dying without medical assistance can unfortunately be long, painful and deeply upsetting for pet and owner alike.
As our pets can’t communicate with us, it’s easy for those who are not experienced and trained Veterinarians to miss the early signs of pain and discomfort. By the time you can tell that your pet is doing poorly, your pet may already be deeply uncomfortable and unhappy. This means by the time medical treatment or intervention is sought, your beautiful animal could already have been suffering for some time.
So, what can you do?
Firstly, it’s important that you have regular checkups with your primary healthcare Veterinarian who will be able to monitor your pet and direct you to palliative care or euthanasia if necessary.
Palliative care is a relatively new field in Veterinary medicine and it’s one that focuses on comfort care rather than curative care. This means experienced and trained palliative Veterinarians are identifying and managing pain points with the goal being to maintain a good quality of life.

The goal of Sunset Vets Palliative and End of Life Care (Sunset Vets) is to make pets comfortable, and when the time comes, provide a peaceful goodbye. Our team of mobile Veterinarians allow you to say goodbye with dignity and compassion in the comfort of your home. In addition, Sunset Vets can provide counselling and support for those who are struggling with end-of-life decision making or pet loss.
Although not always the case, elderly pets passing away naturally can take a long time, and it can be painful for your pet, and traumatic for you. Making the decision to say goodbye before that point is reached is incredibly difficult. But, allowing your pet to pass peacefully at-home with the assistance of a compassionate professional is one that’s filled with sadness, but will also bring dignity, respect and peace to your furry family member who deserves nothing but the best.
Find out more about palliative care HERE.
Find out more about at-home euthanasia HERE.