The decision to say goodbye is always difficult but it doesn’t have to be frightening. At Sunset Vets, we approach this appointment with your pet’s individual needs as the guiding force for all that we do. It may be that they feel more comfortable in a certain part of the house or perhaps their happy place is under a tree in the backyard? We’ve even performed these visits in open spaces such as at the beach or a favourite park. Whatever your preference, this day is about them and about the lives they have touched. Our team aim to have already helped you make all the necessary decisions regarding your pet prior to your appointment day. This may include helping you to select your urn if applicable and we will happily liase with your regular veterinarian both before and after your visit should the situation require it.

Your In Home Euthanasia Visit
At your scheduled appointment time, your Vet will arrive with all the equipment needed to make your pet comfortable. A home visit will usually take between 30 and 60 minutes however this greatly depends on you and your family. Your Vet will ensure your family members have all their questions answered and are comfortable with all decisions that have been made.
Your Vet will then administer a sedative and analgesic (pain relieving) injection under the skin which means that even the most nervous of patients are able to settle and become sleepy over a period of a few minutes. At this point your Vet will ensure that you are ready to say goodbye before administering a dose of anaesthetic. You and your family are able to stay with your pet at all times and can be assured that all steps are taken to minimise any distress or discomfort during this time.
Once administered, your Vet will carefully assess that your pet has passed and at this point, many owners like to take some time alone with their pet. When you are ready, we will assist you with your home care wishes or assist with transport of your pet to one of our personally vetted crematoriums. We only work with businesses that we know will treat your pet with dignity and care. If you have chosen to have your pets ashes returned to you, the crematorium will make contact to confirm your instructions and arrange the return.
For more information on in home euthanasia CLICK HERE.